The Parent Advocates Together PledgePage

Hi! My name is Larry. This is my personal PLEDGE PAGE. I'm using this page to fundraise for an organisation that I believe in. It is a new venture that has already made a BIG difference, not just in my own life....BUT in a the lives of a great many people in a very short time. This is what we are about....This is what we want....This is how we are already doing it.

What we want for our children and families...
We want our children and our families to matter. We want a dedicated key-worker for every disabled child and we want all disabled children and their families to get the right services and support – no matter where they live.

What we want for our communities and schools...
We want our children to be included in every aspect of creating the kind of society they need BUT we also want to transform short sighted thinking that leads to one-size-fits-all services and amenities. We want an education system that meets the needs of each child and enables each one to fulfill their own full potential.

What we want from government...
We want commitment to quality of life and equality of opportunity for every child in the country. We want poverty amongst disabled children and their families to be cut by 50% by 2010 and eliminated by 2020.

What we want from ourselves and for each other...
We want genuine partnership with the professionals who deliver services for our families that is based on respect and true equality.